Apartment VÁRADY - Podunajsko - Dunajská Streda | 123ubytovanie.sk
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Apartment VÁRADY

Podunajsko - Dunajská Streda

Ubytovanie Várady

Accommodation Várady is located in Dunajska Streda, 150 m from the thermal pools. Accommodation in the house or in a separate apartment.

Kúpeľná 1467/8, 929 01 Dunajská Streda

Tel.: 00421 915 787 776

When you call, please tell the owner of accommodation, that you found this accommodation on the website 123ubytovanie.sk

GPS: 47° 59' 30.8'' N / 17° 37' 11.6'' E (Find at the map)

Capacity: 15 persons

Location: Region Trnava region | City Dunajská Streda | Podunajsko | Západné Slovensko | Dunajská Streda

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